Intelligent Crawler



  • Won awards at 2017 JISA.

    award winning “Rich Originality and High International Acceptability” (Merchant screening)


  • What is the difference against the common crawler?
    The biggest different point is that Intelligent Crawler understands information gathered and enriches data. Thus data can be used for business seamlessly.
  • What kinds of data can be gathered?
    For example, the following data can be gathered for the purpose of coreporate screening.
    1. Corporate profile, product/service information from official website
    2. News content about the corporate
    3. Reputation/Gossip information from review website
  • Is it possible to customize Intelligent Crawler as for what kinds of data will be gathered?
    Yes, it is. Please feel free to ask us.
  • What language does it support?
    It supports English and Japanese. As for other language, please feel free to ask us.
  • Does it support cloud based platform?
    Yes, it does.
  • Does Intelligent Crawlew gathers any kinds of data?
    As long as the data exist on the internet, it does.
    Exceptions are, websites which restrict crawling.
  • What are use cases for "Intelligent Crawler?"
    It is used for a wide range of use cases. Main cases are; for the purpose of corporate screening and for the purpose of
    1. Corporate profile, product/service information from official website
    2. News content about the corporate
    3. Reputation/Gossip information from review website
  • Does it integrate with internal system?
    Yes, it does. Either automatically extract data from the existing system, or receiving data from the "Intelligent Crawler."


NTTDATA Corporation
ABLER Promotion Group,
Financial Global IT Services Division,
First Financial Sector